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Youth committte officials, youth team officials.

Season 2023~2024.
Youth Chairman. Sam Samuel. 07747481942
Youth Vice Chairman.Ian McCombes.
Youth Secretary. Ken Martin. 07905 616833
Treasurer (and Sponsorship Rep). Kim Hilland. . 07969 451114
Fixtures Secretary. Paula Williams. 07816 052 924.
Safeguarding Officer. Megan Richards
Registrations Secretary. To be announced.
Club Coaching Co-Ordinator. WO1 Paul “Sweeney” Todd. RN
Rugby Safe lead. Cholé Leach.
Girls Youth Co-ordinator. Chris Hall.
Girls fixtures secretary. Kim Hall.
Devon RFU Rep. Ian McCombes
Kit Managers. Emma and Trev Orton
Training facilities. Lt Cdr Trev Orton. RN
Social Secretary. Vicki Budd
Social Media Rep. Claire Paige
Youth Section Physio / To be announced.

U18 Girls Head Coach. Bryan “Yoda” Milford.
U16 Boys Head Coach. Ben Pennington / Steve Mole.
U16 Girls Head Coach. Chris Hall.
U15 Boys Head Coaches. Ben Fisher.
U14 Boys Head Coach. Polo Matus. AKA Tony.
U14 Girls Head Coach. To be confirmed.
U13 Boys Head Coach. Lt Cdr Trev Orton. RN.
U12 Boys Head Coach. Sam Samuel.
U12 Girls Head Coach. John Budd.
U11 Head Coach. Ian McCombes.
U10 Head Coach. Dave Chorley.
U9 Head Coach. Ryan Ralphs.
U8 Head Coach. Darren Richards.
U7 Head Coach. Aaron Webb.
U6. Head coach. TBC, Aaron Webb covering.