I would like to express my personal appreciation and thanks to all our players, from the oldest to the youngest, from the biggest to the smallest, for their efforts. I would also wish to thank all the coaches for their skill and application in improving playing standards at all levels. The committee, bar and catering staff, and other volunteers have made major contributions to our Club’s success thus ensuring that it is a vibrant and welcoming place to be. I have been very impressed at the energy put into raising funds, from player sponsorship to the genial band of Main Gate Muggers with their stock of programmes on match days, and I am sure that you will all agree that the response to the fundraiser for NHS charities was nothing short of amazing, and reflected the huge spirit within the Club.
Even though we are unsure when the next season will take off I am keenly anticipating further success on the pitch, even more so since it will be my fiftieth season as a member of this grand old Club. In the meantime, I offer a heartfelt “well done” to everyone.
Stay safe.
Dave (Tiny) Lister
President Devonport Services RFC